Today, I will explain the education system at my Australian university. Normally, postgraduate universities follow a two-semester system with a vacation of more than two months in between. However, the university I attended had a trimester system, which made for a very demanding schedule.
At my school, we have one-week and two-week breaks at the end of April and August, respectively, and a one-month break from December to early January. Before these breaks, students have to take end-of-semester exams.
After my son was born, I started going back to Japan for short periods during each semester break. Also, from April to the end of June, one month before my son was born, I obtained permission to take online classes instead of attending regular lectures and returned to Japan.
However, since I had to take exams in Australia, I would return to Australia in July when summer begins in Japan. Similarly, I always stayed in Japan between the end of the year and the beginning of the new year when summer begins in Australia. After doing this for two years, I went without experiencing summer for almost two years, starting from January 2009.

By the way, I lived near the border between Queensland and New South Wales, and during the summer season, these two states have a one-hour time difference. My university was in New South Wales, while my residence was in Queensland. I often found myself wondering, “What time do I need to go to school?” This period caused many people to be late.
Additionally, when submitting joint assignments with students from other states or New Zealand through tools like Skype, everyone was living in different time zones. It led to confusion about which time to coordinate with. There were instances when I would log in and wait for others, but no one would show up. Conversely, there were times when New Zealand students didn’t show up either. It was quite interesting!