そうだ!エロになろう! | Yeah! I will be an erotic person!




Suddenly, I know, but I have always lived a pretty serious life. I have never joined a religious or political organization in my life, although I don’t reject them because I think they are inherently good. And of course, I have no criminal record. As evidence, I submitted a certificate of no criminal record issued by the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department to the Taiwanese government when I started working there.

The certificate of non-criminal record issued by the Metropolitan Police Department.


I also don’t smoke or gamble. Although I used to do these things in the past, I quit, so I don’t plan to do them again. I only drink alcohol on Fridays. I am just someone who wants to work hard and live a normal and happy life. Now I will write a little about women.


Once, at the end of the fiscal year in 2017, I stayed in an apartment in Taiwan that could accommodate about 24 people using Airbnb. There was a young woman and I alone for two days. Although her door was open all night, which was strange, nothing happened.


Also, when I worked in Thailand before, there was a time when a few of us were going to a massage parlor where we take off our clothes. I said I had a really upset stomach and waited alone in the lobby.


I have also had experiences where I was invited to try some fruit snacks by a lady in Thailand. She asked me if I liked the fruit, and when I said yes, she then said that I was more delicious than the fruit. I declined her offer, saying that I was an old man and oily and not very tasty. She seemed very angry with me. I also had a bad experience with a lady in an Airbnb in Taiwan the next day.


When I was studying English in the Philippines, the tutor from my language school and some students invited me out for drinks. I thought we would go to a regular bar or a normal place to drink, but instead, they brought me to a prostitution place. They took me to two places, but I refused to buy any ladies and didn’t do anything.


When I was living in Taiwan, a Taiwanese lady gave me a note with her contact information on it. She then invited me to dinner via LINE, but I didn’t think I was attractive enough for her to be interested in me, so I honestly asked her why she gave me her contact information. She replied that she wanted to make a Japanese friend. However, I stopped all contact with her after that. It might seem bothersome to ask such things, but I’m an old man and may be seen as someone who is not interested in that kind of thing. I’m sorry to say that I’m just not interested.


Some people seem to think that I’m a bit too interested in women, so if I don’t show much interest in someone who approaches me, they might get angry. However, regardless of whether someone is attractive or not, I don’t easily get involved with women. I really just want an ideal girlfriend, and I think it takes a bit of time to get to know someone through conversation and such to see if they have attractive qualities. I believe that a good personality is a big part of someone’s attractiveness.


However, this way of thinking might be encouraging more uninteresting people. Starting this year, I want to live not only seriously but also with a little bit of playfulness. Writing like this might be misunderstood as wanting to play around with women, but I do want a girlfriend, and I hope I can have a serious relationship with her. I have absolutely no desire to casually play around with women. I just want to seek my ideal partner.


By the way, it has now been over 14 years since I last dated, held hands, kissed, or had sex. Finally, 14 years have passed. It would be nice to start thinking about having a girlfriend or something.



Firstly, I think that I am very serious. Also, I have never belonged to any religion and political group. Of course, I don’t deny the religion and politics at all. Also, I have never committed any crime. I will show the evidence which is published by Japanese police department and it shows that I have never committed crime. I submitted it to Taiwanese government when I started to work in Taiwan.


I don’t smoke and do gambling at all. Actually, I smoked and did gambling before but I quit them long time ago so I will not do them again. I drink alcohol every Friday but I don’t drink other days. So, I am just a person who want to work and make a happy life. From here, I will write down about women.


When I used Airbnb in 2017 in Taiwan, there are 24 beds in the apartment. However, there are only two persons who are young lady and me. Of course, we stay different room but that lady opened her room’s door all night long. I felt it wired but of course nothing happened.


When I worked in Thailand, some of my co-workers and I went to the massage salon where customers take off all cloths. However, I said I had diarrhea so I did not take the massage and wait in the front room.


When my co-workers and I went to the bar which there are some ladies in Thailand, one lady asked me whether the fruits taste good or not. I replied it was good. After that she said that I was more delicious. I replied that I am not fresh and oily and not good tastes. She seemed to get very angry to me. Actually, the lady in the Airbnb in Taiwan was also very bad mood next day.


When I went to Philippine to study English, the tutor of the language school and some students asked me to drink out. I thought that we would go to the normal bar or normal snack so I accompanied with them. However they brought me the prostitution place. They brought me two places. Of course, I refused to buy lady and I did not do anything.


This year, I stayed in Taiwan and went to the café. One Taiwanese lady gave me a memo which shows her contact number. And she asked me to eat out. However, I thought that I am not so handsome and asked her why you give me it. She said that she wants to make a Japanese friend. However, I stopped to contact with her. I am sorry to say it but actually I am not interested in it.


Some people seem to think that I like ladies too much. That is why if I don’t do good reply for the lady who asked me, they seem to get angry very much. Of course I like woman very much however, I think that I am a diligent. I hardly do good reply regardless of whether the lady is attractive or not. I really want to have an ideal girlfriend. In order to know whether she is attractive or not, I need to take a time to know her through conversation or feeling.  The personality is very important for me. 


However, I know that these thoughts make me more boring. So, I think that I will have more flexible thought. If I write it down, some people think that I will play more. I will never do this but I want to be more aggressive to the ideal lady.


BTW, eleven years which I have not dated and even held hands passed at the end of August in 2020. So I would like to date with someone after a long time.

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