ゾッとする怖い話3つ | I will share three scary stories.




I used to frequently listen to scary stories on platforms like YouTube as a way to pass the time. I would find and listen to various scary stories by different people, such as Junji Inagawa. There are many scary stories out there, not just about ghosts, but also about events and other frightening encounters. I will now introduce three scary stories that I have heard, which are not specifically related to ghosts but involve experiences of men.



Mr. A returned to his apartment. While waiting for the elevator, a man came out, looked down, and silently got off the elevator without saying a word or greeting him.


Later, when Mr. A looked in the mirror in his apartment, he noticed blood smeared on his shoulder. He remembered the man who bumped into him in the elevator and wondered if the blood had something to do with a crime.


A few days later, a police officer visited Mr. A’s home. The officer informed him about a murder that had taken place in the apartment building. Feeling tired and not wanting to get involved, Mr. A denied knowing anything and ended the conversation through the intercom.


The next day, while watching TV, Mr. A saw news about a murder in his apartment building. The criminal had been captured.


To his horror, he recognized the criminal’s face as the police officer who had visited his apartment the day before. Mr. A realized that the criminal had disguised himself as a police officer and visited him, thinking that Mr. A had seen him committing the crime. It’s a chilling story that sends shivers down your spine.



Female idol singer, Ms. B, received a DVD as a gift from a fan. Knowing that idols often receive explicit DVDs, she gathered a few friends at a friend’s house to watch it.


The DVD showed a man dancing foolishly in a large living room. While her friends laughed and made fun of it, Ms. B inexplicably burst into tears.


The reason for her reaction became apparent as the man in the video was dancing in her own living room, and in the background, her own sleeping figure was visible in the bedroom.



This story revolves around Mr. C and a night out with his colleagues from work. Mr. C had been feeling guilty about spending too much money that month, but he thought everything would be okay. However, just as he and his colleagues were planning to go to a hostess club, he received an email from his wife.


The email was from his wife, and it said, “We need to talk when you get home.” Feeling a chill down his spine, Mr. C immediately canceled their plans and hurried home. There are few words scarier to a man than “We need to talk.” Even if you haven’t done anything wrong, it’s enough to send shivers down your spine.


Those were three spine-chilling stories. The last one was a completely fictional one (I took a shortcut).

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