私が住んでた海外での家 | The houses I lived in abroad.




I lived with my parents until I was 18 or 19 years old. Since my family consists of six people, I moved out of the house during my student years. Since then, I have been living alone for the majority of the past few decades.


To date, I have moved to more than 10 different places in Tokyo. In Saitama, I ran my own business and lived there for about three years. In Gunma, I opened a slim English conversation school. I also worked part-time on a farm in the remote mountains of Gunma and lived in two different locations in Kanagawa and Aichi, where I worked as a newspaper vendor, a temporary sweet potato vendor, and an adjuster for gambling machines.


In addition, I lived in Australia for two and a half years, where I obtained an MBA degree at a graduate school. After that, I lived in Thailand for a year and a half, working as an IT consultant at Fujitsu. I then worked as a Japanese language teacher in Taiwan, and that brings us to the present.


By the way, after finishing my job in Thailand, I stayed at the house of friends from my time in Australia, who were African. I stayed there for two to three weeks. I thought about living there and conducted job hunting in Africa. I always live with the mindset that I never know what might happen to me.

いつでもどこにでも行けるように、あまり荷物を多く持たずに生活をしているのが通常です。ちなみに、35回以上引越しをしています。何か悪い事をして追われている訳でも何でもないです^^ 宗教に入った事もなければ、政治的な団体に所属した事もありませんし、当然に犯罪歴もありません。

I typically live with minimal possessions so that I can go anywhere at any time. By the way, I have moved more than 35 times. It’s not because I have done something wrong or been pursued. ^^ I have never joined a religion or a political organization, and of course, I have no criminal record.


If I had a criminal record, I don’t think I would be able to freely travel abroad. However, at present, I am considering buying various things and staying in one place a little longer.


Below is a picture of the house in Australia where I lived with my African friend and roommate.


And below is a video of the house in Thailand, which was very far from the station where I lived.

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