あなたの不器用度チェック! | Check your Clumsiness!



Below is a quiz to assess your level of clumsiness. Your score will be determined by selecting the option that best applies to you.

  1. 家族の中のあなたは?長男または長女 5点 真ん中の子 1点 末っ子 2点
    What is your position in your family? Eldest brother or sister 5 points, Middle child 1 point, Youngest sibling 2 points.
  2. 兄弟関係は?男ばかりの兄弟 5点 一人っ子 4点 女ばかりの姉妹 3点 男と女の兄弟・姉妹 1点
    What is your sibling relationship? Only brothers 5 points, Only child 4 points, Only sisters 3 points, Both brothers and sisters 1 point.
  3. あなたの体型は?筋肉質 5点 ぽっちゃり 4点 痩せ型 3点 中肉中背 1点
    How would you describe your physique? Muscular 5 points, Chubby 4 points, Thin 3 points, Average build 1 point.
  4. あなたの好きな言葉は?正々堂々 5点 単刀直入 5点 急がば回れ 2点 郷に入れば郷に従え 1点
    What is your favorite phrase? Fair and square 5 points, Straight to the point 5 points, Less haste, more speed 2 points, When in Rome, do as the Romans do 1 point.
  5. あなたの出身校は?男子校 5点 女子校 4点 共学 1点
    What type of school did you attend? All-boys school 5 points, All-girls school 4 points, Co-ed school 1 point.
  6. あなたの所属クラブは?バリバリ体育会系 5点 文化系 4点 文化系サークル 2点 体育会系サークル 1点
    What type of club were you a member of? Sports club 5 points, Cultural club 4 points, Cultural circle 2 points, Sports circle 1 point.
  7. あなたの恋愛関係は?三年以上相手がいない 5点 一年以上相手がいない 3点 一年以内相手がいない 2点 相手がいる 1点
    How long have you been in a relationship? No partner for over three years 5 points, No partner for over one year 3 points, No partner for less than one year 2 points, In a relationship 1 point.
  8. あなたの干支は?牛・イノシシ 5点 ネズミ・猿 1点 その他 3点
    What is your Chinese zodiac sign? Ox or Boar 5 points, Rat or Monkey 1 point, Others 3 points.

Here is the explanation of your level of clumsiness.


~10: You are a very skilled individual. You can navigate well anywhere in Japan. I award you the title of Mr. or Ms. Skillful. Clumsiness ratio: 0%.


11-20: Your level of clumsiness is average to good. You are well-suited for jobs that involve interacting with people, such as sales. Clumsiness ratio: 30%.


21-30: Your level of clumsiness is normal. However, there are some areas where you are clumsy, so if you are aware of your weaknesses, your life will become easier. Clumsiness ratio: 60%.


31-39: You are quite clumsy, or rather, you can be described as straightforward, serious, and honest. To navigate life on Earth, you need to develop a bit more skill. Clumsiness ratio: 90%.


40: I award you the title of Mr. or Ms. Clumsy. Since there is no room for improvement, you should continue living straightforwardly and honestly. Clumsiness ratio: 100%.


Please note that the above assessment is entirely subjective and lacks any real credibility. Particularly, the clumsiness ratio is not reliable. It’s just my personal perception of clumsiness, and I assume it aligns with how you perceive it as well.


By the way, my score is perfect. I am the epitome of Mr. Clumsy (since I made the assessment myself). Additionally, I never engage in flattery or manipulation. In fact, I cannot do it. I live my life straightforwardly, honestly, and conscientiously.


By the way, I am the eldest of four brothers. I attended a well-known all-boys technical high school in Tokyo. Also, my university was in the field of engineering, with a class size of around 100, with only three female students. Furthermore, I was a member of the boxing club in both high school and university.


I take pride in being the least capable of flattery in Japan.


However, I can be considerate to some extent. By the way, my first experience of success was the university entrance exam. Coming from a high school where I struggled academically, I studied for over 13 hours every day, pulled all-nighters two to three times a week, and, through that, managed to enter the same university as former Prime Minister Abe. From then on, I had a mentality that relentless effort was the key to success. However, I now realize that some adjustments are necessary. Wisdom and efficiency are important, aren’t they?


Over the years, there have been people who advised me several times about my inability to engage in flattery. The unusual circumstances I found myself in may have been a result of my previous personality, which involved always being straightforward. However, it’s not necessarily a problem to be unable to engage in flattery. I intend to continue living without flattery or manipulation until the end. Is there any issue with that?

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