ノッティングヒルの恋人を見て | I watched the movie “Notting Hill.

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A while ago, I watched the movie “Notting Hill.” It’s quite an old movie, released in 1999.


However, even now, it remains very interesting. It made me feel like there is a sense of dreaming.

私は今までにジュリア・ロバーツ が出ている「エリン・ブロコビッチ」が、全て映画では二番目に面白いと思っていたのですが、この映画がほぼ同率二番目にならびました。

Until now, I considered “Erin Brockovich,” in which Julia Roberts starred, as the second most interesting movie I’ve seen. But this movie has almost become tied for second place.

過去にも「プリティーウーマン」や「食べて、祈って、恋をして」などのジュリア・ロバーツ の恋愛映画も見ていますが、「ノッティングヒルの恋人」の方が面白いと思いました。

I have also watched Julia Roberts’ romantic movies like “Pretty Woman” and “Eat Pray Love,” but I found “Notting Hill” more captivating.


Being a romantic comedy, this movie includes some scenes that may seem unrealistic.


To briefly explain the plot, it revolves around the owner of an unsuccessful bookstore, who is divorced and has had no luck with women, suddenly falling in love with the biggest Hollywood star who coincidentally appears in his shop.


Of course, I understand that this is a story portrayed in a movie and furthermore, it falls within the genre of romantic comedy.


Although such a story is 100% unrealistic, as a divorced middle-aged man, I couldn’t help but feel that it still held a dream. Am I being foolish?


I know that I will never have a chance to meet a Hollywood actress, let alone have the slightest possibility of her falling for me.


Moreover, fundamentally, I have no interest in Hollywood actresses or even Japanese celebrities.


But still, I found a dream within it.


Perhaps, it’s about the possibility of coincidentally meeting an incredibly charming woman without any need for connections to the entertainment industry?


Like in the movie, I wondered if I could meet a wonderful woman by chance, be kissed out of the blue, and receive a phone call from her later.


Even if such a thing were to happen once in my life, wouldn’t it be nice? With this in mind, I will hold on to this dream. (He must be crazy!)

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