ハンガリーの写真を紹介します | I will introduce Photos of Hungary.




Today, I will introduce some photos of Hungary. However, although the photos match the locations in Hungary, I don’t remember the names of the places very well, so I won’t provide any descriptions of them.


I do remember the last photo though, which was a picture of sunflowers taken from a train. There were I do remember the last photo, though. It was a picture of sunflowers taken from a train. There were fields and fields of sunflowers that stretched out for a long distance, and because it was so beautiful, I took a photo of it. Out of the three European countries I have visited before (Hungary, Serbia, and Italy), Hungary is my personal favorite.


Hungary has many beautiful sights to see, and as I mentioned before, the Tokay wine is the best. Additionally, you can enjoy foie gras and caviar at very reasonable prices. Bread and meat are the main foods, but they are also delicious.


Moreover, Hungary is famous for its hot springs. I went to the hot springs for the last two days of my trip. The hot springs are about the size of an outdoor pool in Japan, and there are several indoor hot springs as well. You can wear swimsuits regardless of gender and enjoy the hot springs like you would a pool, except the water is hot spring water. It was very comfortable, and I would like to visit Hungary again the next time I go to Europe.

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