台湾で体調をくずした時の食事 | Meal when I fell ill in Taiwan




I once fell seriously ill when I was in Taiwan. Nights in Taiwan can be quite cold in winter. The temperature can drop below 10 degrees Celsius, and there’s usually no heating in Taiwan. That’s because people don’t feel cold until they need heating.


Therefore, people who feel cold often wear lots of clothes. In winter, I would wear a T-shirt, long-sleeved shirt, sweater, hoodie, and a down jacket inside my room. I would also wear a hoodie even indoors. Underneath, I would wear three layers of clothing, and wrap myself in a futon. I wasn’t just covered with a futon; it felt like I was wearing one.


I usually try to eat plenty of vegetables, but on the day I fell ill, I only ate meat. This was my lunch that day.


Also, since I moved around different places in Taiwan, I went to various coffee shops. I remember that the coffee at a coffee shop near my home was delicious. I wanted something sweet to go with my coffee, but I couldn’t remember the word for “dessert” in Chinese.


I tried to say dessert but I could not. So the staff in a cafe and a customer there helped me to translate. I The shop assistant and other customers in the shop helped me translate, and when I said “choko-rii” (chocolate) – the only dessert-like word I knew – they made me chocolate toast. The chocolate toast was also amazingly delicious. They were really kind people. Moreover, the coffee and chocolate toast cost less than 200 yen. It was unbelievable considering how delicious they were.


Finally, there was a fruit stand nearby, so I bought apples, thinking that fruit would help with my cold. In Taiwan, I usually only ate lunch, but that day I had an apple for dinner.

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