弱者保護って、どこまで?? | How Far Should We Protect the Vulnerable?

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There was news a while ago about a female manga artist who was punched a few times by a man with a disability at an art museum in Tokyo. When she confronted him about it, she ended up being portrayed as the bad person because he had a disability. Furthermore, when she reported the incident to the museum staff, they did nothing about it.


What do you think about this? In present-day Japan, I often feel that the protection of vulnerable individuals goes too far and turns into reverse discrimination. I have no intention of discriminating against people with disabilities. I believe that if there is something they can’t do, able-bodied individuals should offer their help.


However, that doesn’t mean we should tolerate behavior that goes beyond common sense. In this particular case, the act of physical assault was clearly a criminal offense, and I believe everyone would agree on that. But there are other situations that may seem more ambiguous. For example, intentionally saying hurtful things or engaging in malicious behavior should not be tolerated.


This issue extends beyond just people with disabilities. It applies to the elderly, foreigners, and even gender. We should not allow ourselves to go beyond common sense and tolerate actions solely based on a vague sense of sympathy for the vulnerable or minority. It is challenging to criticize in certain situations, and I understand that.


If normal people with moral values are always expected to tolerate the actions of a minority with malicious intent, I believe society will undoubtedly become distorted. I understand that there are many situations where it is difficult to criticize.


In today’s Japan, there are instances where individuals considered to be part of the minority or underprivileged take advantage of this situation.


Even with elderly people, I find it truly absurd to regard them as pitiful just even though they do something wrong. Of course, in general, we should help older people, but that doesn’t mean we should tolerate actions that cross moral boundaries.


If an elderly person engages in acts that stem from their character, causing trouble to society over an extended period, I cannot help but see them as a harmful influence.


I want to clarify that I do not have any intention to discriminate against individuals with disabilities. In fact, I believe that people with disabilities are, in many cases, spiritually elevated beings compared to able-bodied individuals. I particularly think this way about individuals with intellectual disabilities.


They don’t harbor strange or evil thoughts like able-bodied individuals, and I believe their spiritual level is higher.


However, I often feel that their relatives, more than necessary, may feel burdened or believe they should take advantage of the situation and receive protection. I think that would be unintentional on the part of the disabled person. Personally, I wonder if it is precisely because of such family members that they were born into those circumstances. (I’m not implying that their family’s spiritual level is low. It could be high or low depending on the case.)


Moreover, it seems that when the spiritual level of the family rises, the disabled person tends to pass away earlier than their family members. If the family’s souls don’t grow, it seems to be that the disabled person is making an effort to live longer.

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