日本人は世界一時間にルーズ?(タイ)Are Japanese the most time-loose people in the world?




While living in Japan, I have noticed that Japanese people are truly diligent, but they seem to struggle with finding a balance between work and personal life. Additionally, when I was working in Thailand, I heard that Japanese people were considered the most relaxed when it comes to time. Public transportation, such as buses and trains, doesn’t always adhere to the schedule abroad.


In Japan, trains operate with time schedules that are accurate to the minute, making Japanese trains the most punctual in the world. When a Japanese train is even a few minutes late, the conductor apologizes to the passengers over the intercom, which can surprise or amuse foreigners.


Now, let’s discuss why Japanese people are perceived as the most time-loose. It seems that there are no other nationalities that consistently leave work as late as Japanese people do. Hence, foreigners may view Japanese as being loose with their time.

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