色々なアルバイトをしました | I have had various part-time jobs.




Today, I will write about a part-time job I had when I lived in Gunma. Before I graduated from university, I had an after-effect of brain hemorrhage that affected my health, so after working as a full-time employee for about three years, I did a rehabilitation part-time job life to recover my health.


Some of the part-time jobs I have done include working as a bartender, agricultural worker, newspaper seller, sweet potato and chestnut vendor, gambling machine technician, assistant to a horse racing instructor, and masseur, among others. These were some unusual jobs, but I also gained experience in normal part-time jobs.


When I ran an English conversation school in Gunma, I had time on weekends since the school was closed, so I did manual labor in a warehouse.


On weekdays, I work mentally challenging jobs, while on weekends, I work physically demanding jobs to earn money.


Although it may seem good to work in a cold environment during summer, I worked for nearly 8 hours a day in a warehouse with a temperature of around minus 4 degrees Celsius, and during the break time, the temperature difference between the inside and outside made me very tired. Additionally, on hot summer days, the temperature difference can be as high as 45 degrees Celsius.


In the warehouse, there is a freezer with a temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius, and we sometimes work inside it.


Working there is painful and cold. Although the clothes are thick, the face is exposed, so the ears and nose hurt. I have never worked inside for more than 10 minutes, which I think is the limit.


The photo below shows my current uniform for the warehouse, but it is blurry.

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