7月22日は何の日?(セルビア) | what day is July 22nd?(Serbia)




Today, it is a hamburger day.


Some years ago around this time, I was in three European countries: Hungary, Serbia, and Italy.


I didn’t eat a hamburger in Italy, but I had one in Serbia and Hungary.


Before I embarked on my trip, I came across an article online claiming that McDonald’s in Serbia served the most delicious hamburger in the world. So, the first restaurant I visited in Serbia was McDonald’s, where I tried the hamburger mentioned in the article. I also ordered some unique items that seemed exclusive to Serbia.


While it was certainly tasty, to be honest, I didn’t feel anything particularly special about it compared to hamburgers from other countries. I mentioned this to a Serbian friend, who responded, “I’ve never heard that before, so it must be just advertising.”


By the way, in Serbia, there are famous hamburgers called “pieskapissa” and “chebapi.”


They are also extremely delicious. I think Serbians are skilled at using meat. However, they are incredibly large in size. I ordered both of these hamburgers at the same time and ended up eating one the same day and the other the next day.


By the way, here is another hamburger or sandwich that I ate in Serbia.


Furthermore, while searching for past photos, I found a picture of something hamburger-like that I ate in Hungary. I don’t remember these specifically, but they look very delicious.


By the way, when I was living in Thailand, McDonald’s had rice menu items. I wonder if they had them in Taiwan as well? Sometimes when you visit McDonald’s in Asian countries, you’ll find rice-based options on the menu.


Looking at these pictures, I’m starting to crave a hamburger. Occasionally, there are burgers with unique characteristics, like ones made with homemade meat patties and served fresh. I want to try one of those. I wonder if there’s a place nearby that offers that kind of hamburger. If not, maybe I’ll try making one myself.

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