どこ見てもお洒落でジローラモ!私はどこでしょう? | Girolamo is anywhere! Where am I?




When I was traveling through Europe, I flew from Serbia to a new country. I wanted to spend my first day in a beautiful place, so I chose a city where everywhere I looked, the town was full of stylish people like Girolamo.


Everyone here seems to be sophisticated. In Japan, Girolamo seems like a very unique and cool person, but here, 30% of the men look like him. It’s easy to misunderstand that Girolamo is not particularly special here.


On the first day, I ate three different types of gelato, and they were all really delicious. I also ate spaghetti, which was also really tasty. I had decided that when I came here, I would eat tomato spaghetti and vanilla gelato first.


However, when I saw the different flavors of gelato, I suddenly changed my mind and went for the chocolate-vanilla flavor, which was also really delicious. Later, I went to another shop and had yogurt and mango gelato.


For dinner, I had planned to eat spaghetti and pizza on the first day, but since I had been eating only local food without any vegetables, my body started craving for vegetables. So I went to a large supermarket two stops away and bought salad, vegetable juice, berries, and yogurt to eat. I had a slightly healthy meal.


However, after finishing everything, I ended up eating fried chicken, snacks, and wine, which made my meal unhealthy. By the way, I stayed in Milan, Italy.

今日食べたトマトパスタ、ジェラート、カプチーノ | Today, I had tomato pasta, gelato, and cappuccino.

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