TukuTukuの話(タイ) | A Story about Tukutuku (Thailand) .




Today, I want to talk about Tukutuku, a popular mode of transportation in Asia. It’s a type of taxi commonly seen in Asian countries, with a motorcycle in the front and a loading platform at the back. The first time I rode on one was in Bangkok, Thailand when I was still a postgraduate student in Australia.


At that time, I was also involved in selling imported goods. I went to Thailand for sourcing before my exams and was studying for them while there. After I had completed a certain amount of studying and took a break, a Tukutuku driver approached me and offered to take me on a tour of Bangkok for 40 bahts.


Without thinking much and feeling somewhat at ease, I accepted the invitation and got on the Tukutuku. After a while, we arrived at a dilapidated building, and the driver asked me to follow him inside.


Feeling a sense of unease about the peculiar building, I was hesitant to go in. However, I was unfamiliar with the area and had no idea how to get back on my own. Reluctantly, I followed him, and to my surprise, a person who didn’t seem entirely trustworthy appeared. This person showed me some travel brochures and tried to convince me to join a tour. When I hesitated, she even offered it for 2000 bahts.


The Tukutuku driver sitting beside me also began to intimidate me. When I explained that I couldn’t afford 2000 bahts (which was equivalent to 4800 yen at the time), the person lowered the price to 1000 bahts (2400 yen). Even so, I found it unreasonable and declined. At that point, the person asked me how much I would be willing to pay.


I replied with 500 bahts (1200 yen), to which the person immediately agreed. Although I never truly believed it from the beginning and knew there couldn’t be such a tour, I decided to call it off and demanded the driver take me back to where we started.


Seemingly resigned, the driver reluctantly took me back to my original location. While it may be considered normal to give around 1200 yen for such situations, I didn’t place that much importance on my own life, even though it might sound off-putting. I simply thought that if something were to happen to me, there wouldn’t be much I could do about it.


Not only in Thailand but in most countries I’ve visited, I’ve experienced similar or even more challenging situations. Therefore, I don’t consider Thailand to be an exceptionally dangerous country. By the way, I’ll share a video of the Tukutuku I rode in Bangkok below. It’s the first video. Please don’t judge my English based on it, as I’m speaking English in the footage. My English proficiency has improved since then!


Video of Tukutuku in Bangkok



Video of Tukutuku in Siem Reap



Video of Tukutuku in Phnom Penh

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