たまに食べるパンの朝食 | Breakfast with bread that I sometimes eat.

I’m sharing pictures of breakfast with bread that I made before. Looking back, I realize that I made some unique ones, although I don’t remember them very well. Some of them were really delicious.
First, there’s a regular sandwich with bacon, cheese, egg, and lettuce.

Next, I tried making French toast with lunch packs after seeing it online. It was definitely delicious, but I think normal lunch pack is fine for the next time.

Then there’s eggs Benedict. It was really delicious.

Next is a pizza-style toast. It was also tasty.

There’s also an egg sandwich. It was just a normal but delicious egg sandwich.

Lastly, there’s marshmallow toast. I wasn’t expecting much, but it’s easy to make and delicious. I think it’s really good for times when you don’t feel like making an elaborate breakfast.