I traveled to Europe some years ago and one of the countries I visited was Italy. It was a truly beautiful country. I went to Rome and Venice, and Rome felt like a very sophisticated city. Everywhere I went, there were women with bright red lipstick and men looked like Giro lamo.
One thing that really stood out to me about Italy was the passion of the men. As expected of Latin men, they were very passionate. Everywhere I looked, couples were kissing and touching each other.
There were even situations where I thought, “Are you really doing this here?” For example, when waiting in a long line and finally getting to the front, couples would start kissing, or on a train, a guy would stroke his girlfriend’s legs even though I was sitting right next to them. This behavior wasn’t just limited to young people; even some of the older folks acted this way. I was amazed by how they could feel that way in public.
I’ve been told that no matter where I go in the world, people assume I like women a lot. I get this a lot in various countries. Is there something about my face that screams “womanizer”? Of course, I love women. I really love them.
Even in Italy, I was told that I must like women. I of course answered, “I love women very much.” When asked about the intensity of my feelings, I replied that my love for women was probably about one-tenth of that of Italian men. The Italian women smiled, but the Italian men looked somewhat annoyed.
I don’t think I said anything wrong. I really do love women, and I think my passion for them is probably about one-tenth of that of Italian men. If I were to be reborn, I would want to be an Italian man.