オーストラリア時代について | I will introduce my life in Australia.




Recently, I received a message from a friend I met during my postgraduate studies in Australia, so I thought it would be nice to reflect on my time there. However, my experience was a bit different from the typical Japanese lifestyle in Australia, where most Japanese people attend English language schools on weekdays.


It’s common for people in Australia to go out for drinks on weekends and go surfing on their days off. However, as a postgraduate student, I didn’t have the luxury to do those things. I mostly stayed at home and focused on studying business.


Occasionally, I would go out for meals or drinks with friends who contacted me, including the friend who reached out this time. Since I had no interest in surfing, I spent my time going to an indoor boxing gym instead.


It’s a shame to have spent most of my time indoors in a country like Australia with such great weather. However, when I shared a house with my incredibly kind African classmates and his wife, who I consider the most good-natured people in the world, our house was located about a 30-minute walk from school, along the beach.


The pathway there was truly beautiful, and although there was a bus, I tried to walk to school as much as possible. Even now, these classmates occasionally contact me, and they are genuinely good people. When we lived together, we would have white wine every night and often organize BBQs on weekends.


Living with them was the most enjoyable time, and during that period, I may have had quite a bit to drink. By the way, it may be hard to believe, but I obtained my MBA degree. Below, I’ll also share a video of the beaches in Australia.


Here is a video of the beaches in Australia.

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