コスプレ!! | Cosplay




There is a famous story about big data. A 16-year-old American girl went shopping at a mall. The store used big data and determined from her purchase history that she was pregnant. 


Afterward, the store sent her advertising materials related to pregnancy. When her father saw it, he became angry and lodged a complaint against the store. However, it was later discovered that the girl was indeed pregnant.


Big data can identify trends based on purchase history. In the past, data analysis required a cause to produce results. For example, if a person is a 30-year-old man, the data might suggest that he is interested in hair growth products. This result is derived from the data on gender, age, and purchase history. However, big data does not require personal data. It can identify trends solely based on purchase history.


Now, let me share something. I frequently shop online, purchasing clothes, books, rice, and other daily goods. However, I often received advertisements for women’s costumes on the online shopping platform. Actually, it doesn’t happen as frequently nowadays, but it used to occur some years ago.


I must clarify that I have no interest in costumes whatsoever. When a woman wears any costume, it doesn’t evoke any particular feelings in me, and I have no interest in it. On the other hand, if a lady wears fashionable clothing, it makes me happy. If I had a partner who wasn’t interested in fashion, I would seek the assistance of an expert. Nowadays, there are services where experts choose clothes based on personal information such as height, facial pictures, age, and more. Anyway, I hope their big data doesn’t misunderstand me. ^^;

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