デェ、ベテラン(ごくう風)| A great veteran massager.




When I first moved to Tochigi, I worked at a massage salon for about 7-8 months. I quit after it closed due to the spread of the coronavirus. The atmosphere there was a bit playful, so I had some fun. This and the next blog post will be about my time working there.


While working at the salon, a veteran with over 15 years of experience in the industry came to help us out. I, on the other hand, was a rookie with only two months of experience.


I was hoping to get some advice from her, so I gave her a massage.


She was so kind that I decided to play a little prank on her and asked, “Is this a knot?” while pinching the fat on her belly.


I was pinching the fat on her belly three times. She laughed and forgave me, showing just how kind she really is.


Then, a woman who had worked at the shop I mentioned in my previous blog post and had been watching nearby immediately came to my defense and said, “he’s always doing things like this.”


She even went as far as to say, “The other day, she drew a caricature of Wavy and wrote the name of our boss’s boss on top of it on the whiteboard.” (This is true, she really said this.)


Both of them were so kind, and I’m glad for it. I’m looking forward to more opportunities to have some fun. Next time, I’m thinking of pinching her fat and asking, “If this isn’t a knot, what is it?” Just kidding!

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