This time, I will introduce my life when I was a punch drunkard. I did boxing during my high school and university years. In high school, I aimed to become a professional boxer, but in university, I did it as an amateur.
The professional test was scheduled for the end of April after I graduated from high school, but about a month before that, I suddenly lost my ability to speak after practice. The next day, when I went to the hospital and underwent a CT scan, I was diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage, and I was hospitalized on the same day.
Even now, I sometimes have difficulty speaking or I feel like my speech is slow due to that incident. Although I did not undergo surgery, I gradually regained my ability to speak while receiving intravenous drip.
After entering university, there was a boxing club, and I decided to join because I really wanted to do it again. I took it seriously, but around the end of my third year, my physical condition became really strange. Various symptoms began to appear, not just loss of speech.
The name “punch drunker” is actually a clever name because the symptoms are similar to being drunk. This is probably because both are caused by a slowing of the brain’s function.
While I wasn’t strong enough to brag about it (I only won some small competitions), the worst symptom for me was not being able to think when I wanted to.
I think I really started to notice my symptoms around my third and fourth year of university. Even when I really wanted to think about many things, such as during job hunting, I couldn’t think about anything at all.
It was also really difficult for me when my thinking would suddenly stop frequently. Even though I was just going about my daily life, my thinking would stop for seconds at a time, and when talking with people, the topic would suddenly change without me realizing it.
After getting a job in sales, I had to drive a car, and I really struggled to keep from losing consciousness while driving. Of course, I lost consciousness many times, I hit things while driving many times without realizing it.
However, in areas with heavy traffic, I absolutely had to concentrate in order to avoid losing consciousness. It was really exhausting to try and maintain my focus and not lose consciousness, as I had to stop and rest every kilometer or so to keep my focus. Just trying to stay conscious was enough to make me sweat profusely.
I think at first, I was very tense by instinct. I also had trouble hearing, and even now, my hearing is slightly worse than normal. My finger nerves did not transmit well, and like boxers who suffer from punch drunk, I had trouble fastening buttons, which was a real struggle, especially when writing documents like resumes.
I remember spending over an hour on each resume I wrote, and I wrote several of them. Also, I had poor memory, so I forgot everything within three minutes. When I had to remember something, even a short sentence, it took me hours.
Usually, I even forgot that I was punch drunk, which was also troublesome. Sometimes I drank too much to escape the symptoms, but it probably made them worse.
The hardest part was, and I don’t want to say this, but I often leaked. The small one was quite frequent, and the big one was once a month, I think? After graduating from university, I quit one company and was laid off by three companies.
I was always anxious and felt like a bug whose antennae had been removed. However, I somehow managed to hide it from my parents. It has been more than 20 years since then, and during that time, I have bought and practiced many books to improve my brain function, and I still take supplements like DHA every day.
During that time, I obtained an MBA in Australia, worked as an IT consultant in Thailand, and taught Japanese and English in Taiwan. I am confident that my brain has completely recovered by now, but I will continue to take care of my brain.

Lastly, as an extra, not only did I have a brain hemorrhage, but I also broke my left rib twice, and my right-hand ring finger bone is still sunken. I broke my ribs while sparring with a rookie who later became a professional boxing champion. Even though they hadn’t healed yet, I did it again during a practice match. On the other hand, I had strong punching power, and I broke the noses of four people. Fortunately, my nose was safe. However, since I have sparred hundreds of rounds with professional boxers, I think getting injured in martial arts is normal.