鬼月って知ってますか?(台湾) | Do you know about demon month?(Taiwan)




I wrote this blog during my stay in Taiwan in July.


Currently, it is the Ghost Month in Taiwan. It is similar to the Obon festival in Japan, and I’ve heard various superstitions about it. There are many things you’re not supposed to do.


For example, it is said that you should not go near bodies of water such as the sea or rivers. This is because it is believed that people who drowned in the water will try to drag others down with them to find a substitute for their own salvation.


Next, it is said that you should not turn around if someone calls out to you while you’re out at night. If you turn around, it could be a ghost calling out to you, and your soul might be taken away by the ghost.


Additionally, it is said that you should not hang laundry at night or open an umbrella inside the house. I wonder if umbrellas attract ghosts? That’s what they say.


On the final day of the Ghost Month, people prepare luxurious food and offer it to the ghosts. They eat it together, and that marks the end. By the way, this Ghost Month lasts for a whole month, and there are still about two weeks remaining.


Most Taiwanese people believe in the Ghost Month. I’ve heard that over 85% of the population believes in it and practices the associated customs. However, I always leave my laundry hanging outside. I hope the ghosts won’t come to my house. And to be honest, I find humans scarier than ghosts.

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