私の海外での放浪癖(ラオスなど) My wandering habit in foreign countries.




I have visited 18 countries so far, mostly in Asia. When I travel abroad, I usually search for hotels after arriving at the destination. Sometimes, I suddenly feel the urge to move to another place or try using local transportation. That’s why I don’t make hotel reservations in advance. Here are some photos and a video:


The first picture is from Laos. I took a bus to go to the market, and along the way, I saw a van that was being used as a bus. I didn’t know where it was going, but I decided to give it a try. Inside, there was a lady with two large plastic bags filled with vegetables.



Next is a video from Hungary. There was a cute tram running on the road, and I wanted to ride it. I didn’t know how to get on or where it was going, but I gave it a try anyway.



Lastly, in Cambodia, one evening, I suddenly wanted to move from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh. So I quickly reserved a bus and embarked on a journey of about 6 hours. By the time I arrived, it was already nighttime, and I started searching for a hotel.

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