【田舎町】私が住んでいた台湾の駅の風景 | The Scenery around the Station.




I have lived in Taitung before. The town was somewhat on the outskirts, but I believe the main street in front of the station was quite lively. It was definitely more bustling than the town I previously lived in Gunma. There were quite a few shops around.


On the side where I lived, there weren’t many shops. It was a very quiet and nice place. I stayed there for one month with a contract through Airbnb.


Since I had become quite accustomed to living there, I had the desire to extend my stay for another month if possible. However, I decided to move to another location as a sort of transition.


At that time, I was making preparations for various new jobs, so I had the freedom to be in different places. I also had set goals and made progress in my work with the intention of completing them within a month. So, I thought it would be beneficial to change my surroundings and mindset.


Below, I will share some photos of the area around the station where I used to live. It is surrounded by mountains and has a lot of nature, making it a wonderful place.

駅近くの写真 | Photos near the station

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