私がAirbnbを使う理由 | Why I use Airbnb.



This is a blog post I wrote around July 2021.


Currently, I am staying in Shikoku using Airbnb.


In addition, during the one year I lived in Taiwan, I used Airbnb for about half of that time.


To be honest, it can be cheaper than renting a house.


When you rent a house, you have to pay rent, utility bills, and internet fees, but with Airbnb, all of these are usually included.


However, there are some drawbacks such as not being able to relax fully or not having the freedom to put your things around. But if you can adapt to these aspects, it can be a good option.


When I was staying in Taiwan, I changed houses every month.


Some places I stayed could accommodate multiple people or had the host living on the same property.


I personally didn’t mind these situations.


Before coming to Shikoku, I stayed in Chiba for ten days using Airbnb while waiting for the results of a job interview I had in Tochigi. Unfortunately, it didn’t go well.


During my stay in Chiba, the host couple lived on the first floor, while I and other guests lived on the second floor of the same house.


Moreover, mainly when I was living in Australia, I have shared houses with people from nine different countries.


The last person I shared a house with was a Chinese individual who had tattoos covering their entire body from neck to ankles. They were probably not a law-abiding citizen.


This person would walk around the house naked, which made me feel uncomfortable. However, they were not a bad person character-wise.


On the other hand, the time I spent living with an African couple was the most enjoyable. I still occasionally keep in touch with them.


They are wonderful people. However, I recently found out that they got divorced. It goes to show that even good-natured individuals can have difficulties in a relationship.


Let’s go back to the topic. Ideally, I would like to settle down in a proper place and spend time at my own pace, but it seems I will continue using Airbnb for a while longer.


By the way, the house I am currently renting has a toilet on the balcony, and it was quite dirty when I first arrived.


However, I quite enjoy cleaning, so I have been using wet wipes to clean the toilet twice a day, and it has become much cleaner, I believe.


The inside of the house was clean when I moved in, but there was quite a bit of dust in some small corners. Nevertheless, I think I managed to make it significantly cleaner.

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