家主さんが水餃子をくれました(台湾)| Landlord gave boiled dumplings. (Taiwan)




I lived in Taitung for about a month. I was using Airbnb, and staying for a whole month may not be very common. I was starting to feel attached to the place I was in now. There were many delicious restaurants nearby, and I also had a favorite coffee shop. The staff there were really kind. I want to introduce the food I ate in Taitung. Everything was really delicious.


The staff at this restaurant always remembers what I order, so when I go there they just point at the menu and ask, “Is this what you want?” They’re very kind.


The old man at this restaurant always talks to me a lot. I think this meat is probably duck, but it was really delicious. I’m sure it would be good with beer.


I’ve only been to this restaurant once, but I think this ramen was really delicious. It was honestly one of the most delicious ramen dishes I’ve ever had in Taiwan.


It was valuable to be able to eat meat and rice at this restaurant.


I ate seafood hot pot here several times. The last time I went, they gave me some kimchi as a bonus, but I didn’t touch it at all. Sorry. I can’t eat kimchi, but the hot pot was really delicious.


This is my favorite coffee shop. I definitely went there the most. The coffee there is really delicious. I think they’re very particular about the coffee beans they use and are very selective. They use really good coffee beans. Also, the staff there, especially the older sister, is really kind, and it’s nice to see Japanese photos displayed in the shop.


Finally, these are the boiled dumplings that the owner of the house I stayed in gave me. The owner often treated me to meals. I’m just one person, but he gave me so many dumplings. They were really delicious.


If I have the chance, I would like to come back to this place for a trip.

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