I currently don’t eat any meat except for chicken, but about three years ago, I ate other kinds of meat. Here, I’d like to introduce the lunch I made at that time. Since it’s a dish for only me, there is no emphasis on its appearance. However, I think each dish tasted pretty good.
まずは豚のしゃぶしゃぶです | First, there’s pork shabu-shabu.
肉豆腐です | Next, there’s meat tofu.
Next up is a retort curry, Lee’s 30x curry. I used to like spicy food and ate it often, so I had always wanted to try it. However, it was only sold up to 20x in the nearby area, and I had my first taste of the 30x curry. I had prepared various things like lettuce and eggs, but it didn’t feel excessively spicy to me.
大根とお肉の炒め物 | Stir-fried daikon and meat.
卵と豚肉の炒め物 | Stir-fried egg and pork.
ドライカレー | Dry curry rice.
最後はトンペイ焼です | Finally, grilled tonpei.