I apologize for the confusing title, as my birthday is actually in July.
I had the opportunity to spend my birthday in Europe once. It wasn’t a special feeling just because it was my birthday; it just happened that I had the chance to travel during that time.
On that day, I was in Serbia, a country next to Hungary. I stayed in an apartment that was rented out by a local individual, similar to Airbnb. There were three rooms in that apartment, and I stayed in one of them.
When I checked in, I handed my passport to the owner as identification. During that interaction, the owner mentioned that it would be my birthday the next day, to which I confirmed. The following day, on my actual birthday, the incredibly kind owner bought me a cake. Here is a picture of the cake.

It was heartwarming to experience such kindness in Serbia. By the way, the cake was bought by the owner’s wife, who was accompanied by her husband, a very friendly and tall person standing well over 2 meters. He had a great physique, and his height made me, at 180cm, feel small.
I am grateful for the opportunity to encounter such kindness in Serbia. Next time I visit, I hope to stay a bit longer. This time, my stay wasn’t very long. I also took some photos of tanks and other military vehicles at the Military Museum in Serbia, which I will share with you.