9月21日は何の日? | What day is it on Sep 21st?



Today, it is a pickles day.


When I was in Taiwan, I made homemade pickles to satisfy my craving for Japanese cuisine, although it was only a small amount.


But, to be honest, it’s really simple. When I was in Japan, I didn’t eat cucumber and eggplant very often, even though they are delicious.


Despite the fact that cucumbers and eggplants don’t contain much nutrition, I feel like I’m missing out if I only get full without getting any nutrients, so I prefer to eat cabbage, potatoes, and other vegetables that are more nutritious.


However, when I was in Taiwan and occasionally had a craving for Japanese food, I tried making cucumber pickles, and they turned out to be really delicious.


I watched a video on YouTube and found a really simple recipe, so I followed it and made the pickles. They were easy to make and incredibly tasty.

材料:きゅうり 3本。 (調味料)砂糖 大匙1。 塩 大匙1。 辛し 小匙1

Ingredients: 3 cucumbers, Seasonings: 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 teaspoon mustard.

作り方① 上の調味料を全てジップロックに入れて混ぜます。② そこへきゅうりのへたを取って入れます。③ きゅうりへ調味料をもみこみます。④ 3日間起きます。

Instructions: 1. Put all the seasonings in a Ziploc bag and mix them. 2. Remove the stems from the cucumbers and put them in the bag. 3. Rub the seasoning into the cucumbers. 4. Let them sit in the refrigerator for three days.


*In my personal opinion, you may consider reducing the amount of sugar a little.

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