Today, I will introduce the hotel I stayed at in Indonesia. Whenever I traveled abroad, I always opted for budget hotels. This particular hotel was incredibly cheap, costing around 1,000 yen per night. Whether it was during my trips to Thailand or Vietnam, I consistently stayed in hotels priced at or below 1,000 yen.
However, this hotel was the dirtiest I had ever encountered. The towels were often torn or had holes in them, and out of the four lights in the room, only one would work. Perhaps due to its proximity to the main street, every night until midnight or 1 a.m., a lousy singer from a nearby bar would fill the air with a cacophony of noise.
Furthermore, the hotel staff had a complete “yankee” appearance, resembling delinquents. On the ground floor of the hotel, there was always a group of them hanging around. This was because there was a tattoo parlor located on the first floor. Initially, these hotel staff seemed like bad individuals, but as time went on, I realized they were not as bad as they appeared. In the last three days of my stay, we even exchanged high-fives when we saw each other.
However, there was one thing that truly bothered me—the mice crawling on the ceiling of my room. They would scurry and squeak while I was trying to sleep. At times, I would imitate a cat, and they would temporarily pause their activities.
ただ、2・3分すると彼らは走り泣き出しを再開し、最後の方では私の鳴きまねも効き目がなくなってしまいました。そして、何よりも怖いのが奴らがいつか天井から私の部屋に落ちてくるのではないかという恐怖心です。しかも、やつらは爪か歯か分かりませんが、壁をカリカリと引っかいているような音が聞こえるのです。これらには本当に恐怖心を感じました。ただ、今となってはいい経験でしょう??? そこのホテルにまた泊まる事はないけどね。
Yet, after two or three minutes, they would resume their running and crying, rendering my cat impersonation ineffective. Above all, the fear of one of them eventually falling into my room from the ceiling haunted me. Moreover, I could hear the sound of their scratching or biting the walls, although I couldn’t tell if it was their claws or teeth. These experiences truly instilled a sense of fear within me. However, looking back, it could be considered an interesting experience. Though, I can confidently say that I will never stay at that hotel again.