私は今までにオーストラリア、タイ、 台湾に住んでいました。ですので、 日本ではあまり食べられないような変わったフルーツも結構食べています。
I have lived in Australia, Thailand, and Taiwan before. Therefore, I have had the opportunity to try some unique fruits that are not commonly found in Japan.
特にタイにいた時は、色々なトロピカルフルーツを食べました。 ドラゴンフルーツ、マンゴスチン、釈迦頭などなどです。台湾ではあまり日本とフルーツの種類は変わりませんが、 唯一大きく違う部分はマンゴーがすごく安いということです。
Especially during my time in Thailand, I enjoyed a variety of tropical fruits such as dragon fruits, mangosteens, and shakatou. In Taiwan, the fruit selection is quite similar to Japan, except for one major difference—the affordability of mangoes.
In Japan, mangoes can cost several thousand yen, but in Taiwan, they are sold for around 200 to 300 yen. They are truly delicious. There are premium mangoes with a slightly orange hue available for 300 yen, and completely ripe, vibrant yellow mangoes are sold for 200 yen. Personally, I find the regular yellow mangoes to be sweeter and more delicious, so I mostly indulged in those.
ただ、 マンゴーには毒素が入っているらしく、 1日に2個も3個も食べるとお腹を壊すそうです。
However, mangoes contain toxins, and consuming too many (two or three) in a day can cause stomach discomfort.
ちなみに私の一番好きなフルーツはドリアンです。ドリアンは匂いがきついというイメージがあると思いますが、 タイで 売っているドリアンは品質改良がされているらしく匂いがそこまでではありません。 もちろん、匂いはするのでくさいことはくさいです。
By the way, my absolute favorite fruit is durian. Durians are often associated with a strong smell, but the ones sold in Thailand have undergone quality improvements, resulting in a milder aroma. Of course, they still have a distinctive smell, which some may find unpleasant.
ただ、 ドリアンは口の中に入れてしまうと匂いを感じないので、そこからは美味しさだけ感じます。味としてはすごくクリーミーなメロンといった感じ?少し違うかな?他の人はどう思うかわかりませんが、 私はそのような感想を持ちました。周りが少しだけ硬く中まで噛むととても柔らかいです。
However, once you put a durian in your mouth, the smell becomes less noticeable, and you can fully appreciate the deliciousness. The taste is like a creamy melon, or something similar. It’s hard to describe precisely. I’m not sure what others think, but that’s the impression I had. The outer texture is slightly firm, but when you chew the inside, it’s incredibly soft.
By the way, there is a rumor that eating durians and consuming alcohol together can be lethal. There doesn’t seem to be any scientific basis for this claim, but many people believe it. I tried eating durian with beer, and I was perfectly fine. Perhaps it was not a problem because beer was low in alcohol content.
またドリアンもマンゴーも食べたいと思います。南国の国にでも旅行に行けたらいいですが、 現在のコロナの状況下では当分は難しいかもしれないですね。
I would love to have the opportunity to enjoy both durians and mangoes again. It would be great to travel to tropical countries, but given the current COVID situation, it might be challenging for the time being.