流れ流れてアフリカへ | I finally arrived at Africa.




I previously spent 2 and a half years in Australia, followed by a temporary return to Japan, and then worked in Thailand for a year and a half.


After finishing work in Thailand, I conducted a job search in Seychelles, Africa. I had hoped to live in Africa after spending 2 and a half years in Oceania and 2 years in Asia.


As long as I could lead a stable life in any country, there was no greater happiness. I don’t hate Japan though. As I am a native speaker, there is no language barrier for me.


However, I don’t feel a significant language, lifestyle, or personality barrier in living abroad either. I can live anywhere according to my personality, and I can eat anything. Therefore, I seriously want to live in a place and environment where I feel I truly belong, without any constraints.


Living abroad allows you to learn so much. There are different values and life perspectives depending on the region or country. I want to touch on those aspects a lot. Oceania has its values, Asia has its own, and Africa has its own. I hope to continue living and learning through such experiences.

Here is a video letter I recorded for my son at the Seychelles airport.

英語サイトのイメージ” srcset=

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