私のブログを紹介します | Let me introduce my blogs.



Today, It is just introduction of my blogs. It may not be interesting.


I have some blogs and I took a bit long time to write it down.


BTW, I don’t take a long time to write this blog though. I enjoy writing this one and sometimes use old blogs.


Firstly, I will introduce an English blog. You can learn English through a Hollywood movies. It focuses on an English conversation and it is for between beginner and intermediate learners. I will recommend someone who want to learn English.


Next, it introduces how to do anti-aging. I am just healthy nerd so I read many books and essays about health. If you read this, you can become 10 years younger. Please don’t see me.


Last one is the Japanese site for foreigners. It is my first web-site so its design is not very good. But I attached all function what are necessary for Japanese learners. If you are interested in learning Japanese, please check it.

Copied title and URL