私の大親友を紹介します | I would like to introduce my closest friend.




Today I would like to introduce my best friend. I have mentioned him before, but he was not only my roommate but also my classmate during my time in Australia.


He lived in the same room with his wife, while I lived alone in my own room, and the house itself was not that big. My room was about six tatami mats and theirs was about eight tatami mats, with a living-dining room of about ten tatami mats.


This may be a reasonable size in Japan, but it is considered small in Australia. We used to drink wine and chat before meals almost every day. This time was really important to me. By the way, he was the top student in the graduate school I attended and was also my English teacher.


The two of them and I took turns cooking dinner every other day, and they made delicious dishes as well. I will introduce some of their videos below. They make various cuisines such as Indian, Chinese, and French.


They were not only my English teacher but also my cooking teacher. Thanks to them, I have expanded my recipe collection. I still often make the dishes they taught me, and I have even gone to authentic restaurants since returning home.


I will introduce the video below, but I apologize that it was completely private at the time, so it was not made to be shown to anyone except for my family. I hope you can appreciate the strange atmosphere in that.

best friend amit


Note: I wrote that we used to drink white wine and chat almost every night, but when the 3/11 tsunami occurred, I was sharing a room with them, and afterward, out of respect, I refrained from drinking alcohol for almost a month. They were good guys who joined me in abstaining from alcohol during that period

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