誰にも話したことのない私の秘密の話(オーストラリア) My secret story I’ve never told.




I wrote this blog when I was a bit drunk. This time, I will write about a secret story from when I lived in Australia, which I have hardly ever told anyone.


Not just in Australia, but in many of the foreign countries I have visited, houses often only had showers and not bathtubs. While I have lived in many houses in Australia, almost all of them only had showers and no bathtubs.


One of the houses I lived in had a shower room that was only about one square meter in size. While Australia is a warm country, the water in the shower was still too cold to bear.


The shower head was fixed to the ceiling in the room, and since the shower room was only one square meter in size, there was no place to escape from the water once the shower was turned on. Moreover, it took a little time for the water to become warm.


However, I discovered that if I stood in one corner of the shower room, the water wouldn’t hit me. So, while waiting for the water to warm up, I always stood in that corner. But, one of the holes in the shower head was broken.


Only one stream of water came out from that broken hole, and it dropped quite close to my body. Once, out of curiosity, I stuck out my lower body and tried to hit my private parts with the stream of water. It wasn’t particularly pleasurable, but I did it anyway. This is my secret story that I have never told anyone.

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