タイの日本街 | Japanese town in Thailand.




I would like to write about my life when I was living in Thailand. I was working at Fujitsu’s Thailand branch, and before that, I lived in Australia where I obtained an MBA degree from a graduate school.


I think that Fujitsu hired me because I had an MBA degree. Just like how there are Chinatown and Little India in Japan, there are places in Thailand that resemble Japanese towns.


There are 50,000 Japanese people living in Thailand, and 40,000 of them live in Bangkok. The area is located just one train ride away from many major Japanese company branches, and I think the train station name was Thonglor. The most luxurious department store in Bangkok is directly connected to that station.


In addition, there is also a Muay Thai gym where I used to go that is located just one stop away from that station. There are many Japanese people in that area, and there are many supermarkets (such as Fuji Super), restaurants, and department stores that cater to Japanese people. However, everything is quite expensive.


Since I had to send child support from my Thai salary, I didn’t have much money left. Therefore, my house was located in a place that was about 5 stations away from where most Japanese people lived, and I had to take a bus called Sonteo for about 30 minutes from a bus stop that was a 10-minute walk from the station.


One time, when I was riding a taxi with a subordinate whom I worked with, and I told them that my house was located there, she were very surprised. I think even for Thai people, my house felt very far away. There seemed to be mostly Thai people living in that area.


Also, I used to take a vehicle called Sonteo back and forth. It is a vehicle that is modified from a truck. I never saw any Japanese people using it, especially not people like me who wore business suits and carried business bags.

ソンテオの写真 | A photo of a Sonteo vehicle.


I was working as a full-time employee at Fujitsu. Since I didn’t have permanent residency, if I wanted to work in Thailand, I needed to apply for a working visa and work permit from the company. It costs hundreds of thousands of yen per year.


Even though it was a major company, they wouldn’t spend that much money to hire part-time employees. When I was working there, only Japanese people were full-time employees. I was also a full-time employee working as an IT consultant.


My department was divided into two, and everyone in my department except for me was Thai. Our conversations were all in English. Also, I think I did over 100 presentations in English while I was in graduate school and working in Thailand.


Below are some documents that prove I worked as an IT consultant. No one doubts it, right!?

The business card I used at Fujitsu

The employee ID card I used at Fujitsu

IT qualifications

MBA degree certificate

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