私の悪ふざけに査察がやってきた? Did an inspection come because of my prank?




I will introduce a blog post I wrote when I worked at a massage parlor.


In my current job, customers call to make reservations for our shop. The other day, I received a call from a customer asking to change their reservation time.


To manage reservations, we use a web-based scheduling system and a physical memo book to record phone reservations. While I changed the web-based schedule, I forgot to modify the time in the memo book that everyone usually refers to.


Later on, my colleague who was in charge of that customer wrote on the web-based schedule that I hadn’t updated the memo book, causing confusion as to whether the customer would show up.


In reality, his actions were meaningless and seemed like a form of harassment, but it wasn’t a big deal to me, and I didn’t think much of it.


After that incident, my colleague seemed to have left work early and had to write a reason for his early departure on the web-based schedule. He only wrote “store operations” as his reason.

私はせっかく当てつけ??を書いてくれたのだから、少しふざけたくなり、そこに「店舗業務(と書いていますが、とても優しいHさんは妹さんのAカップからGカップへの豊胸手術に付き添いに帰りました。 By大西)」と付け加えました。

I thought it would be funny to play a prank, so I added a comment to his entry. He wrote “store operations,” but I added “by Onishi: accompanying his younger sister for breast augmentation surgery from an A cup to a G cup” as the real reason for his early departure.


I hoped that my colleague would see it and get a laugh out of it, but I didn’t think the company headquarters would notice it since it was late at night.


The next day, the headquarters did not notice, but a kind female colleague in the same shop noticed and cautioned me against such pranks. She thankfully deleted my comment.


However, the following day, a customer whom I had never worked with before came to the shop and specifically requested an appointment with me. As I had only been working there for three months, I couldn’t remember every customer’s face and name, but I was grateful for the business and served the customer to the best of my ability.


After finishing my shift, one of my colleagues informed me that the customer was an inspection from headquarters. I had no idea that there was such a thing as an inspection, but after checking the customer’s record, I found out that he had previously visited shops quite far from ours, and I had not taken care of him before. Since I played a prank, I thought maybe the headquarters sent the inspection to check on my behavior.


I still don’t know for sure if he was an inspection or not, but I have to say that the customer actually slept quite a bit during my service. The towel he had on his face was soaked with drool, so even if he was an inspection, it was really gross. (By the way, I would never think this way about a regular customer. I wrote it with affection as if he might be an inspection. And regular customers don’t make towels that wet, so I wonder how he managed to get it so soaked.)


Today, I had no customer reservations, so I was allowed to leave the shop 15 minutes early. I had to write a reason for my early departure on the management website.


I left a message there saying, “As I mentioned the other day, H’s sister had breast augmentation surgery, and it was successful, so I’m going to celebrate. She got silicone implants and now has a cleavage, so she’s being called ‘Silicon Valley’.”


I hope H notices it and chuckles. I don’t think anyone from headquarters will notice because of the timing, and they won’t be able to check everyone anyway, so I think it’s okay. But if they do notice, I think they might not find it funny since the headquarters is in Osaka and they have a strict sense of humor. If they do react, I wonder if they will just let it slide or give a hilarious comment.

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