こんな時どうしますか? | What do you do in this situation?




This time, I will write about something very stupid. As usual, it’s something stupid. Oh well.


This is a story from when I started working at a massage salon. While I was at the salon, the woman who had been working there the longest was attending to a customer. I went to the restroom during that time and ended up letting out a loud fart.


I’m pretty sure she must have heard it. I was in a quandary about whether I should apologize or act normal and pretend nothing happened. By the way, I’m certain she heard it.


Moreover, she continued attending to the customer for about 90 minutes after that. I had thought about telling her about my fart after she was done, but as soon as she returned from attending to the customer, she started having her lunch. I couldn’t possibly bring it up while she was eating, so I put it on hold for the time being.


Eventually, I also had lunch. Two hours had passed since I went to the restroom, so I felt like I had missed my chance to say anything.


Here’s my question: what would you do in this situation? Should you say something about it or act normally?


My judgment is that


I told the woman, “I farted really loudly in the restroom while you were attending to the customer earlier. I’m sorry if it made things awkward for you.”


To which she replied, “If you hadn’t said anything, I wouldn’t have known. I didn’t notice you went to the restroom.”


She was so kind. I felt like she was really considerate of my feelings. I’m sure she must have heard it, but I’m glad she was considerate. It was refreshing in a way.


It felt like I had received permission to fart from her. Should I not hold back from now on!? …Just kidding, I kept my composure afterward. What would a normal person do in this situation? Would they say something or not? Or maybe a normal person wouldn’t fart in this situation.

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