タイのウィークエンドマーケット | Weekend Market in Thailand.




If you have traveled to Thailand, you are likely familiar with the famous weekend market that takes place there. I believe it is located near Mo Chit Station, which is the final station of the BTS Skytrain. I apologize if I’m mistaken.


When I used to go to Thailand to source imported goods, I would occasionally visit this weekend market. Sometimes, you would see people from other countries with large carts, purchasing a lot of items. While the vendors at the market also use carts to transport their goods, it’s a different scenario.


However, there are other places where you can find even cheaper products. The prices can vary significantly. From a Japanese perspective, the items at the weekend market may seem inexpensive, but once you discover the even cheaper markets that cater to wholesalers, you might find the weekend market prices slightly higher.


As a result, I only purchase truly unique items at the weekend market. There seems to be a trick when buying things in Thailand. Some Thai vendors can speak basic Japanese.


They might approach you saying something like, “It’s cheap, please take a look,” in a friendly manner. If you respond in Japanese, thinking that they can understand you, they might significantly raise the prices, sometimes even three times higher than the local selling price.


If I reply in English, they said to me double of the normal price. That is why I should use Thai language if pIf you negotiate in English, they tend to offer prices twice as high as the normal price. Therefore, it’s best to use the local language if possible. Even then, they might still raise the price by about 1.5 times the normal price.


If you go on a tour, the tour guide will likely advise you to negotiate the price. It’s definitely recommended to try bargaining. While the individual prices may not be significant, if you buy a lot of items, the overall amount can become substantial.


By the way, when asking for the price, you can say “nee tau rai cup.” “Nee” means “this,” “tau rai” means “price,” and “cup” is a polite expression that can be omitted. To request a discount, you can say “pen dai mai cup,” I believe.


“Pen” means “discount,” “dai” means “possible,” “mai” forms a question, and “cup” is a polite expression. Additionally, “thank you” is “khob khun cup,” which is a direct translation of “thank you.” Honestly, if you remember these phrases and numbers, you should be able to manage. You can resort to using English when you are truly in a bind. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any pictures or videos of the weekend market, so I will share a video of the meals I had there instead.


It gets particularly crowded on Sunday afternoons. The picture below shows the surrounding area. I recommend visiting the weekend market in the morning.

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