会社を辞めて良かったと思うこと | The good things about quitting my job.




This is a blog I wrote the day after I quit my job at Fuji Yakuhin .


I won’t go into too much detail about the work itself, but I was in sales for medication that involved placing medicine boxes at customer locations and selling drugs and health supplements. The contents of this blog may be relevant only to me.


There were several main reasons why I wanted to quit my job, and one of them was that I found myself unconsciously hoping for other people’s misfortunes. When I realized this, I knew it was bad.


Specifically, the company I worked for sold products such as Cleverin, an air purifier for Covid-19 prevention.


To sell these products, it was necessary to have a lot of Covid cases. I did not think that an increase in cases was good, but I would check the number of cases every day and believed that sales would increase if cases increased.


When I started this job, I told customers that medication was not good for the body and that they did not need to use it. Any medicine is a foreign substance to the body, so no matter what the medicine is, it cannot be good for the body. This also applies to the Covid vaccine, which has been shown to have strong side effects in more than half of those who take it.


However, I noticed that this way of thinking was slowly disappearing as I worked within the organization. I often thought that I needed to be careful not to lose sight of this.


I have not received the Covid vaccine, but due to the nature of my work, I could not say that I was not vaccinated. I also felt conflicted about not being able to tell people that they should not get vaccinated, even though I believed that it was better for them not to do so. I would tell people who had already received the vaccine that it was reassuring, but I avoided saying anything more than that.


Furthermore, when customers had any physical discomfort, while I wanted to recommend a genuinely helpful product, I also had the sales figures in mind.


As a new employee, my leaving did not affect my salary in any way.


However, when working in sales, I couldn’t help but be conscious of the numbers every day, so when I thought about it, I realized that I was inevitably in a situation where I had to pay attention to those figures.


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