自炊の凄い効果 | The amazing effect of cooking at home.



I used to live abroad, which meant I ate out a lot and frequented fast food restaurants. As a result, I gained a considerable amount of weight and was unhealthy.


However, since I moved, I started cooking for myself. I try not to use ingredients that are bad for my health. I don’t use soy sauce, salt, or sugar very much, and I don’t use vegetable oil at all. Instead, I use olive oil. Thanks to these changes, I have become significantly healthier.


I will show you the pictures from three months ago and the current ones.

3ヶ月前 | Three months ago

現在 | Now


I had been thinking about doing something like a RIZAP transformation, but now I’m not sure. By the way, the pictures above were taken on the day I cut my hair, and the pictures below were taken a few days later.

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