酒もタバコも女もやらず、100まで生きた馬鹿がいる | There is a Fool Who Lived to 100 Without Alcohol, Cigarettes, or Women.



The title of this phrase is said to have been spoken by a famous monk, although I forgot his name. “There is a stupid person who lived to 100 without alcohol, cigarettes, or women.” I truly understand this sentiment. What is interesting about a life like that?


Now, as I reflect on my own life, I can’t help but think that I have become that fool. I have completely become that person. Currently, I have stopped drinking, and I have lost all enjoyment in life.


I used to smoke, but I quit. I used to gamble, but I quit. I haven’t smoked or gambled in the past ten years. As for women, as I have mentioned repeatedly, I haven’t even held hands on a date in the past threen years. I stopped drinking alcohol about two weeks ago. I have also stopped eating sweets.


My daily routine consists of waking up at 4:00 in the morning, having breakfast and lunch, and not eating dinner. I go to bed around 8 or 9 p.m. For the past nine years, on weekdays, I would wake up early in the morning and also skip dinner. During that time, there was a year when I only ate lunch each day.


What is so interesting about this life??


Although I still hold on to hope, it’s not entirely dull. But oh, how I long to drink! How I crave chocolate! Parfait, parfait!

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