これは台湾にいた時の話です。私は肩こりが酷く、以前からずっと肩痛に悩まされています。台湾に日本からもシップ薬を持ってきていたのですが、シップ薬がなくなりそうになったときに、台湾でシップ薬とGreen oilという万能薬を購入しました。
This is a story from when I was in Taiwan. I have had severe shoulder pain and stiffness for a long time. I had brought poultices with me from Japan, but when I ran out, I purchased poultices and a panacea called “Green Oil” in Taiwan.

Green oilはどんな症状にもきくそうです。日本人としては、半信半疑ですが効果の中に肩こりも治るという事だったので試しに買ってみました。
The Green Oil is said to work for any symptom. As a Japanese person, I was skeptical, but I decided to try it since it was said to also cure stiff shoulders.
When I put it on my shoulder, I definitely felt a cool sensation that was extremely soothing. However, the effectiveness in relieving my shoulder pain and stiffness was questionable since it was a chronic condition.
It was also said to be effective for stomach pain. Since I often have stomach problems, I tried it for this as well. When you have a stomachache, it is said to be better to smell it than apply it. It has a smell like peppermint.
Because it felt good, I bought it and used it several times, but it only slightly alleviated my shoulder pain and stomachache symptoms.