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Today is Panda Day.


On the occasion of Panda Day, I would like to share a story related to Chinese. By the way, I’m not sure if pandas are actually native to China.


When I was living in Taiwan, I learned Chinese through online lessons since Taiwanese and Chinese are similar. At that time, all the teachers I learned from had passed the N1 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, which is the most difficult level, so they were all fluent in Japanese. And they are very talkative.


During my studies in Taiwan, I had lessons through Skype, and sometimes the internet connection was very poor, causing frequent disruptions.


During a conversation with one of the teachers, they commented, “The internet connection is not good today.” I replied, “Yes, the connection is bad today, gomennachaina.” Despite being a very talkative teacher, they completely ignored my comment. It made me realize that unfunny jokes are ignored regardless of the country.


Furthermore, when I was living in Australia, there were many Chinese people as well. Before entering graduate school, I attended an English language school for 15 weeks. When I introduced myself as “Kosuke,” I noticed that in Chinese, the pronunciation of “ke” may not exist because everyone called me “Kosuki.”


Even though I mentioned my name as Kosuke, they still called me Kosuki. Perhaps, it was impossible for them to say Kosuke, so at the next self-introduction, I said, “My name is Kosuki.”


Upon hearing that, Chinese people who already knew my name said, “Your name is not Kosuki. Your name is Kosuki.” I had no idea what the difference was.

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